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OMF S.r.l.

Viale Sandro Pertini 16
25046 Cazzago S/M, Brescia

Phone: +39 030 7750285
Web address: omf.it
Stand: 2.2 / B34

Company Profile
OMF is a company established in Brescia, a city of northern Italy traditionally distinguished by a high industrial concentration and close focus on the mechanical engineering industry.
With over 30 years of experience behind us, we specialise in the machining of precision mechanical components using what we consider to be our strong points – constantly updated machinery, an organisation of industrial type and skilled and helpful personnel able to provide extremely high quality standards.
Thanks to such backing, we present ourselves on the market with the strong desire to provide a top-quality service to customers requiring assembled, turned, milled and ground products. We also carry out heat or galvanic treatments in outsourcing by high-level suppliers.